Automotive shops are inherently messy places. Common services like oil changes and tire replacements often leave the specialist covered in grease and grime. Because of the constant cleaning that comes with services like these, automotive body shops and services providers go through countless shop towels and uniforms. The repetitive chore of having to clean these towels and uniforms can take away from a shop’s time. Oregon Linen offers shop towel and auto shop uniform rentals to let you focus on the tasks that matter.

Auto Shop Uniform Rental
Autobody shops might not think about it too often, but a clean uniform is a good thing. A spotless shop shirt and uniform reflects well on a body shop. When a professional can perform a grimy task and stay clean, they show that they know what they’re doing and know how to do it well. Let Oregon Linen make sure all of your staff’s uniforms are spotless. With our service, we will take your dirty uniforms and provide you with fresh and clean ones on a regular basis. With our help, your staff members can look like the polished, presentable professionals they are.