Commercial Uniform Suppliers
and Linen Service
Commercial businesses come in a million shapes and sizes, but almost all of them share a few common features. They all need basic supplies, such as cleaning utensils, restroom supplies, linens, or uniforms. Oregon Linen can address any and all of these needs in one convenient place.

Commercial Linen Service
It’s our goal to offer hard-working businesses superior products and unbeatable commercial linen service. The linens you can choose from range in size and functional purpose. They are all designed to address the many cleaning needs that commercial businesses face. With this service, a commercial establishment will both secure the necessary linens and avoid the chore of regularly washing them.

From shipping to maintenance, many commercial businesses require their employees to wear uniforms. Maintaining a full stock of uniforms can be a challenge, and keeping them clean is a hurdle all its own. Kill two birds with one stone and get your uniforms delivered and cleaned by Oregon Linen. As your choice commercial uniform supplier, we can provide you with freshly cleaned uniforms when you need them most. We’ll keep your staff and employees presentable every day.

Restroom Supply Providers
Few things can ruin employee morale like a filthy restroom. Keep your company restroom clean and your staff happy with our restroom supplies. From toilet deodorizers to metered aerosols, we keep your bathrooms clean and approachable.

Mat and Mop Deliveries
Floor mats can be found in most commercial businesses. Many keep them at the front door, where employees can wipe off the elements before starting the day. There are also fatigue mats, often found in jobs that require standing for most of the day. Oregon Linen can address all your floor mat needs. We also offer a mop service that supplies you with mop heads, helping you keep the exposed hard flooring sections of your business clean and safe.