Utilities Uniforms
and Laundry Service
Utility workers take on roles and tasks that allow the rest of society to function. Without them, we wouldn’t have clean water, electrical services, or heating and cooling. They take on strenuous and sometimes dirty jobs, and they deserve to do so in a clean uniform. Businesses don’t always have the time or resources to handle a heavy laundry load, and that’s where uniform cleaning companies like Oregon Linen come in. Our top-of-the-line uniform delivery and laundry service keeps these hard-working men and women in fresh, tidy clothing.

Utility Uniform Rentals
Though usually simple in appearance, utility uniforms come in a wide range of deigns. From road worker orange to sanitation specialist green, these uniforms can also be a surprisingly colorful cast of characters. Regardless of their particular use, though, they all have a talent for getting dirty fast. So whatever your staff is doing to help keep our infrastructure going, help them by providing a clean uniform every time they clock in. With our linen service, you can rent the uniforms you need and have them cleaned by us on a regular basis.

Uniform Laundry Service
Considering how dirty some utility workers can get in a single task, quite a few of them could probably use a clean uniform by lunch. Managing regular uniform needs for a large number of hard-working employees can be a headache, especially for supervisors who have a million other important tasks on their minds. That’s where Oregon Linen comes in. With our uniform laundry service, you won’t have to worry about purchasing or cleaning uniforms. Instead, you can rent your uniforms from us, and we’ll stop by on a regular basis to drop off fresh ones and pick up those you’ve used for washing.
When you need the services of a uniform cleaning company, Oregon Linen has you covered.